Myndir af Holyrood Park

Erica cinerea - bell heather eftir Matt Lavin

Of the three common heather species in Scotland, Common Heather or Ling (Calluna vulgaris), Cross-Leaved Heath (Erica tetralix), and Bell Heather (Erica cinerea), this must be Bell Heather because it grows in dry sites (not in boggy sites), its petals are fused into a bell (the flowers do not have separate petals), and the short needle-like leaves have a whorl-like aspect. Ling has separate petals and a densely overlapping leaf arrangement, and Cross-Leaved Heath has lighter pigmented petals (e.g., pinkish) and grows in bogs.
Holyrood Park er ferðamannastað, einn af Garðar árið Edinborg , Stóra-Bretland . Það er staðsett: 21 km frá: Musselburgh, 208 km frá: Glasgow, 850 km frá: Liverpool. Lestu frekar
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